Thursday, 12 June 2014

Everyday Magic...

I am sitting in the my rocking chair...
I am outside watching Bradley play...I am still his constant companion...for a little while longer...
It's cold inside the house...warm out here...
My legs and boots are in the sun...the rest of me is in dappled shade...

We really do have the most stunning weather here in South Africa...

I have just refilled the bird feeder... 
the stale bread is on the ground ready and waiting...
I feel sorry for them...especially during the winter months...

I wonder if they will come to yesterday...tummies so hungry that it makes them brave...
Little bodies needing fuel to stay warm during the biting cold night, that sees to it that the birdbath is frozen over, when dawn, that brings mercy with her, finally arrives in my garden...
Yesterday for the first time, i sat in the garden with them or was it... they with me...?
It was a treat to be in their company :)

As i wait for them ... i watch my son ride his bike round and round our small front yard...
lost in his childhood... he has just finished building a brick 'hotel' for the big shiny black lizards that have made their home in the leftover and long forgotten brick pile next to our house...this is where you will find them... sunning themselves...if you care to look...

Bradley asks me what i need from the shops...he pretends to go buy my fixing for our supper tonight...
i play along as always...

His bike is lying waiting for him off to the left of me...he unknowingly...just like a child!...kicks up a cloud of dust as he bends to pick up 'my' first i am unhappy that he seems to be in the center of all that dirt billowing up...up...and around him...dust as old as time... disturbed by the boy's carefree-ness... making his mommy worry...

As i watch...
 something magical happens...the dust cloud swallowing him up... floats free from the shadows and reaches for the light...and is transformed into, gold dust, instead of pretty...i stare...
transfixed...wishing i could have taken a photo...but i have learned that the eye can make the heart remember too...

I glance around the garden...Bradley has moved on...totally lost in his game...

There are little white insects drifting over the wall and across my line of vision...
they really truly look like mere bits of fluff...

I am taken back to my own a little girl i would have seen fairies for sure!!

How magical is childhood for the lucky ones...

As i think of things such as this... the tree above me, is coming slowly to life...
the birds have spotted their supper...
They have arrived...
and they have brought braveness with them...
feeding while i sit right here... rejoicing...

It seems the word has spread...far and do they do it...?
more feathered friends are making themselves heard...
louder and louder...

Until... this old tree is alive...and quivering...
branches groaning,  under the weight of these delightful little creatures...

And that's what can happen in your garden too...

the magic of the everyday.