It's our Winter break here in sunny SA...
3 weeks of sleeping in and sitting in the sun to warm up...
with nothing more pressing to do than relax...
I spent the first two days of it with my two boys...
Bianca-Leigh is at 'Winter School'...poor thing...
and what i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt is that...
Boys are overachievers...
at noise making...
and moving...
Their talents range from...
loud music...
to rapping out a tune on his desk... the dashboard...the kitchen counter...
and on to raised voices as they vie for my ear...
even Brandon is still guilty...
all the while...Bradley...will not be left in the shade...
He pours out noisy the form of...
Lego's... dinky-toy cars... and well used blocks...
Beating out 'his song' from deep within his little boy body...
letting it vibrate through the air...
setting it it life...
nothing more - nothing less...
than thick wooden paintbrushes...and pots and pans...
precious talking...
A LOT of talking...
again they compete...
tears come in and go out... like the tides...
on this beach of our lives...
Tv too too loud...
turn it down !
Movement profound...
boys... will be boys...
slip and slide through their day...
...and mine...
they are each his own type of storm...
Brandon a thunderstorm...Bradley a squall...
i am weathered...
totally blessed :)
3 weeks of sleeping in and sitting in the sun to warm up...
with nothing more pressing to do than relax...
I spent the first two days of it with my two boys...
Bianca-Leigh is at 'Winter School'...poor thing...
and what i can tell you without a shadow of a doubt is that...
Boys are overachievers...
at noise making...
and moving...
Their talents range from...
loud music...
to rapping out a tune on his desk... the dashboard...the kitchen counter...
and on to raised voices as they vie for my ear...
even Brandon is still guilty...
all the while...Bradley...will not be left in the shade...
He pours out noisy the form of...
Lego's... dinky-toy cars... and well used blocks...
Beating out 'his song' from deep within his little boy body...
letting it vibrate through the air...
setting it it life...
nothing more - nothing less...
than thick wooden paintbrushes...and pots and pans...
precious talking...
A LOT of talking...
again they compete...
tears come in and go out... like the tides...
on this beach of our lives...
Tv too too loud...
turn it down !
Movement profound...
boys... will be boys...
slip and slide through their day...
...and mine...
they are each his own type of storm...
Brandon a thunderstorm...Bradley a squall...
i am weathered...
totally blessed :)