To be honest... i was not sure which blog to post this on...
i had to give it a think...
It's about my i could have posted to GotMyShot...right...
and i was tempted...but as 'this one' is about how i feel...
X marks the spot :)
Where to begin...?! the beginning...duh :)
The Camera vs The Shutterbug
As this is a 'personal blog'....mine...let me tell you what i think...
While there are those that feel that it's the person behind the lens that should take all the credit...
for stunning shots....that tell 'the story'...long after the fire's embers have lost their warm glow...
shots that have captured a 'treasured moment'...saved it...for a rainy day...for forever...
recorded lovingly... perfectly...our times...our faces...our places...our feelings...our dreams...our memories...our history...
like 'they' know just how important these things are... to me...
I am not one of them...
I'll admit the Shutterbug needs...
an eye for it...
a little flare for it...
a lot of passion for it...
for me...i am not afraid to 'share the glory' with my beloved camera :)
as an absolute novice... i know that my camera makes me 'look good'
and i am cool with that :)
Taking a really 'good' shot takes you have to love it...want it...
and the way getting it makes you feel is ... thrilling... to say the least :)
Even though i am quite humble about 'it' 'talent' that is...
i must feel that i do have some...'talent' that is :)
no seriously now...!... I do believe that technology is creating the illusion
of...everyone and their mother being able to take fab photos...
like on instagram... all the 'effects' one can use to spruce up ones shots...
... OR
all the 'things' one can do on ones computer... what do the call it...'photo shop'...don't like it !!
may look
it's cheating in my book...!
let the record show...
i would rather be able to 'get' my shot....the ....oh what's the word...???
authentic way...than any other...!
Having said that...i just bought myself a new camera...for the Justin Bieber concert
the concert that Bianca-Leigh and i will be going to together...SOON :)
[she could probably tell you the days. hours. minutes. left]
the one we have been waiting for since almost 12 months ago
when the first rumors that he may come to our sunny SA
started...yikes !! how time flies...
At her insistence i relented and got a new one...
*roll of my eyes*
the things we do for our kids [nudge nudge wink wink]
I'll not be allowed to take my other one in...damn!...and hers is "not good enough" apparently :)
so now there's me [not great with technology AT ALL] playing around with said new purchase...
only to learn she's got some fancy 'effects' herself... #whoknew...#shouldhaveknown...!
and it really is....!
Am i gonna use it...?...hell yes :)
Do I still prefer my 'old love' to this pretty PINK new one...?
YES i do :)
What do all my ramblings amount to...?
in one sentence...
the camera vs the shutterbug... #teamwork
just the way i like it !
I used the HDR Painting Effect on these shots...
I think i like :)