Thursday 24 January 2013

3 things thursday...

I really hope i don't get another phone call like i did on Monday at about 9:30ish 
I had just gotten comfy... tv on-remote handy, cell phone too... laptop fired-up... ringtone... 'back-in-time' by Pitbull fills the air...
i glanced at my phone to see who the caller was...and my heart sank when i saw her name...
could only mean that there was a problem of some kind...[a tummy upset perhaps...] i braced myself and answered ... to hear my 17 year old daughter tell me in a wobbly voice to please come fetch them [my 14 year old son too] ASAP as 'they' [the strikers] were said to be on their 'deranged little way' to schools in the area...
Fight or Flight kicks in FAST... my breathing changed and my hand and voice shook a little as i jumped up...dumped my laptop unceremoniously on the floor... and told her to find her brother and stay together i was on my way...
i walked hurried to the kitchen grabbed my handbag and keys and left [having a little trouble locking-up...]
The school is a good 10 to 15 [maybe more] min away.... depending.... and all i could think was would 'they' get there before me...
I drove like a mother who feared for her kids safety...and at one point i had to rein myself in ...
long story short...i would have driven over 'them' to get to my kids...thankfully it was not necessary...
and i fetch all my little chicks [and then some]...and removed us all to safety...
the kids missed 3 days of school and returned today...

As i sit here and cringe as the theme music of the 1975 Jaws movie i am watching plays...u know the music i mean don't just before the shark attacks....i just want to pull my feet up of the floor and 'out of the water' and i am having  flashbacks of swimming in a pool [of all things...not the ocean] as a kid and imagining that the Jaws shark was somewhere in those murky watery depths...beneath where my legs and feet dangled ... doggie-paddling for all they were i can remember the feeling of panic rising up in me... and then logic setting in and pushing the fear down but not totally away...  i am amazed that watching the movie  today and hearing that tell-tail music can transport me right back like that ...

I am SO VERY grateful to be a stay-at-home-mom...
it allows me the privilege to be able to 'be there' emotionally and physically for Bradley as he adjusts to 'big school' aka grade 1... he is a child that needs time [more so than others] to accept change...
there were lots of tears in the beginning and some of those were mine.... i'll admit to 'a few'... [when things were at their worst] he is doing better and better...improving in stages...but i am still his safety-net at the moment... there are no more tears... but still an anxious look on his face remains that tears at my mothers-heart... we say goodbye with hugs and kisses and he joins the line behind  his classmates when the bell rings... ... but he keeps searching me out with his eyes... making and breaking contact while we still can... i try to keep looking at him so i don't miss a single glance he gives me... i smile and wave or give him the thumbs-up sign... i stand and wait [a little distance away] until his teacher arrives [a lovely lady who understands...] she greets them all personally which i love :)  and as they walk up the stairs and along the corridor to his class... i shadow their slow progress...only down below... until they reach the door... where one by one they disappear inside ...
Bradley and i wave 2 or 3 more times.. as he prepares to break our connection...
it's his turn to enter... he glances at me one last time and blows me a kiss from above... i send my kiss back...up... up into the air and over that railing it goes [straight as an arrow] to my littlest son... and today  [i found myself thinking of silent love languages or signals we send out...] and i remembered how when he was about 2 going on 3 during swimming class [when he eventually went into the pool without me] i would sit on the side and cheer him on with a smile and a 'good job Bradley' whenever he succeeded at something and whenever he needed extra encouragement i would give him a 'big blink' of my eyes and a small nod to convey a message of... 'it's ok've got this...just try'  i wonder if the teacher ever caught on...?  because it was a silent communication between me and my child...
I wonder what silent signals you share in love with your little ones...?


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