Tuesday 5 February 2013

Motivation Monday

Say what !!?
getting lots of practice...Monday...? 
Every day...!

With Bradley starting school proper...
Brandon doing grade 9... a leap in effort required...
and Bianca-Leigh... at the 'tip of the iceberg' of her final year in high school...

My role is a combination of...  'team G' cheerleader ever 'up' and positive...
 'owl wise' psychologist...
exhausted not to mention hoarse town crier...
and THE MOMMY... and we all know how many hats she wears...right..?..right!

So between teaching my 6 year old to read, write and do maths...
I council my 14 year old and...
 pour oil over his troubled waters...
 as he stresses about 'subject choices' and getting grades 'good enough'...
then in my imaginary spare time...
 i encourage and support [in any way i can] my 17 year old through....
 her feelings of being overwhelmed by the task ahead...and her fears...

I find myself saying things like...

Eat the 'frog' first...
[didn't know what it meant the first time either]

meaning: do the thing u least enjoy first...get it over with...


lol we all know what this one means...but it's good to remember...
that it is possible...

But.... i ask u with tears in my green eyes...
who will motivate me and calm my fears...?

Going to be quite a ride :)

1 comment:

  1. Oh boy. Now you've got me nervous. I just have this feeling that mom's job is NEVER done. Not even when they are all grown with children of their own.
    Hang in there, mama!!!!
