Wednesday 3 April 2013

The Change....

Isn't is amazing...the earth just knows...
life is busy with this and that...and we loose track...
or are vaguely aware of  the change...
but the rhythms of the seasons never miss a beat...

Take heart all those who fear that that a deep and bitter Winter 
will never let loose her icy grip on your backyard ...
Here...those that watch [like i]...have noticed...
Spring has packed her bags...and is on her way... 

So it's's Winter's back u still see...
It's soon to be your time...
the awakening has already begun...
the sights and sounds of Summer in all her glory...will follow...
as surely as the sun rises in the east and sets in the west...

And as for on the other side of the world...
We will try to enjoy what there is to enjoy of the colder months... 
warm drinks...stews...deep steam rising bubble puddings smothered in custard...
watching the fireside no longer green tossed on my windscreen by a playful but determined wind...that nip in the air that tell her story oh so well...a Winter's sky that is breathtakingly blue...clean, clear and crisp...and still... a golden sunshine will be poured down upon us from the heavens above... a constant companion [NO not our blistering African sun...] she'll give us the cold-shoulder for a while it's true...BUT... she'll still bring comfort and even warmth... as is her way with us...

So enjoy your sparkling Spring and shimmering Summer...for as always...
 these particular visitors are just passing through... 

...the end...

Dear reader...i love Spring and Autumn...the feeling of change about to happen...
what's your best celebrated season...?

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