Thursday 11 April 2013

Tonight i raced the sun... and won :)

See the colours drain away...

I happened to notice...
only because 'lady luck' smiled...
Kicking off my slippery slops...
I made a mad dash for my camera...
Tonight i raced the sun...
and won :)

 I stood and watched...the awesome display...
 a mere spectator...tiny in this great big universe...
I knew my place...

I felt inspired to TRY to capture... those... final moments...
as the mighty sun slips over the round of the earth...
when dusk would fall...softly...swiftly...
upon me...

She did not linger too long... keeping time... as old as time...

As i stood there spellbound...
by this... the 'extraordinary' smack bang in the middle of my 'ordinary'...
 an image came alive in my mind...

One of the sun 'pulling' all the colour... out of my her wake...
 all those glorious golds...and oranges...
pinks and yellows too...
over the edge...
and  away...

She takes them with her...
 on the rest of her travels...
to far flung places... painting their skies...

The 'drama' of tonight's sunset...where ever that may be...
 billowing out behind her...
 like the train of a ball-gown...
she dances... on...
forever on...



  1. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful!
    Well done!

    1. Hi Kat :) thanks...looking up at the heavens you realize ... we are all in 'this' together...
