Monday 6 January 2014

My daughter and her friends part ways here BUT goodbyes are meant for hellos...

Something else comes up... before that Caribbean Cruise post i plan to write soon...
hello and welcome...

In a small way i envy those who decide before something even happens...just exactly how they feel about things...  because 'they' seem so 'on the ball' don't they....they use their heads...

I am not one of them...I decide without much thought at all...
 how I feel... when something is happening to me...
The difference must be in how we decide...I am ruled by my heart...
And my heart causes me some trouble along the way...

This is a defining moment...a moving on and ever forward moment...
a hard moment...
Their paths will all go in different directions right about now...
my daughter and her friends part ways here... at this seemingly unavoidable fork in the road...
High School is behind them and the open road of Life lies before them... calling each one by name...
some are only stretching young as yet untested wings... but others are bravely leaving the comfort and safety of the nest... and their first shaky flight is causing considerable worry and tears all round ...

even for me...
AND i get to keep my little chick for a while longer... but. my. time. will. come.
... and that's why
 i am having sympathy pains for the other Mamas i know who are facing a motherhood moment that must hurts like hell...

This is how things stand right now...
Tomorrow we get Bianca-Leigh's Matric results...
My palms just broke out in a fingertips leaving wet little dots on the keys of my laptop...

Bianca-Leigh had a rough first 2 terms... working hard but not getting the expected good that i would be forgiven for assuming that her marks would be of a high standard because she put in real effort... this was not how this story went  :(  it was SO heartbreaking to hold her while she sobbed...speaking hushed words hope love and words meant to take the sting out of hers while my heart tried desperately to find an encouraging thought in my dazed mind to grab onto and hold onto for dear life... at first i tried to hide my own tears... to be strong...but in the end i cried too...a tear just slipped out over and down...there is another one now... both eyes filling up and overflowing as i remember that day and that  broken conversation in her little car [where else...?] more than 6 months ago...    and to watch her bravely recover herself... work harder...try again... it was inspiring stuff... my pride grew along with my respect for her...

a quick thought here...
why does the glory always go to those that 'things' come easily too...
why doesn't the glory go to...

 the fighter
the underdog...
the  nerd...
the soft hearted one...
the honest one...
the loyal one...
the small one...
the gentle one...
the loving one...
the brave one...
the respectful one...
the humble one...
the peace maker...
the one who isn't vain...
the meek one...
the rule follower...
the one who always does right over wrong...
the one who doesn't cheat...lie or steal...
the one who forgives and forgets...
the one who turns the other cheek over and over...
the one who sacrifices...
the one who fights the good fight but fails anyway... 

That's not the way the 'world' works...HEAVEN WILL BE VERY DIFFERENT...

Back to Bianca...
Dread cut like a cold sharp stone in my chest...
 when my mother's mind turned to what the rest of the school year would hold for her...
but without us even realizing it at the time...we had hit rock bottom...almost burnt-out... 
 and now we were on our way back up...the climb had already begun...
her prelims went fine and her finals were without incident...
yes... she couldn't go back and check her answers [like she is used to being able to do]
 on some papers due to time running out...
and there were a few tricky questions here and there...
but on the emotional front all was well with her...

She worked harder and longer than i have ever seen anyone work...
and calmness and peace was hers...
You just can't give more than your best now can you..!

now all that's left to do is wait...

at 10:30pm tonight we got Bianca-Leigh's Matric results...
she has passed with admission to Bachelors Degree...

I am one PROUD Mama tonight...
God is good :)

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